Monday, April 23, 2007

Computers in Libraries 07, Wednesday

Gary Price, “Keeping one click ahead: Best of ResourceShelf.” (A302)

His presentation is located at

  • is a mashup of digital globe (so far US), maps, and live traffic cameras.
  • meshes aerial images with searches about that area (local businesses, schools, towns, weather, etc.).
  • DocuTicker is a ticker tape of government documents.
  • Citizendium is similar to wikipedia, but it requires people to sign-in when they edit/add information.
  • archives government websites and documents, and allows you to keyword search the database.
  • is part free and part pay.
  • is mostly free for K-12 schools and public libraries. You just need to fill out a form and send it back. It is full text and full image articles, and has many special collections on topics.
  • Loki uses wifi to say where you are and give local information.
  • US dept of Commerce commercial guides are pdfs available for free at
  • At the bottom of the page is a list of web 2.0 apps and tools, but he cautions that people are not using web 2.0 tools as much as media reports.
  • has a section of web 2.0 apps.
  • datamines airfare lists to help you determine the best time to buy airplane tickets.

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